Photo by Francine Kizner |
If you have not heard of the Genius Hour, very briefly, it is specific time designated for students to explore their own passions and ideas for projects and learning. I have been very inspired by the work of Angela Maiers, who has been spreading the message that, "You matter. You are a genius. The world needs your contribution." What this lead me to do was carve out an hour of time, about once or twice a week, for students to really begin to explore their ideas and what they are passionate about.
The original idea I believe, was inspired by Google. The company used to give employees 20% of their work time to devote to researching and developing their own ideas. The only stipulation is that the ideas would advance the company in some way. Productivity went up and some amazing ideas were born.
Already, I have been pretty amazed by the buy-in of my own students, especially the boys in my class!
Here are the projects that my kids have started:
1. Personalized comic books
2. Hat design
3. Clean water project
4. Healthy candy production
5. Protecting dolphins campaign
6. Stop bullying campaign
7. Bench design for elderly people
8. Saving the Iberian lynx
9. Stopping Animal Abuse campaign
It is interesting to see my Grade 6 students work together to come up with their ideas and their projects. Each one is very different and the students involved have very specific reasons for their choices. What I love most, is that each group will have to have a product to share, not only with the class, but with the world.
As I was reading their first blog entries of the year, which was all about what would make this the best year ever, many cited Genius Hour as a factor! It is very empowering for the kids and I am loving how truly invested they are already.
Check out our class website for some inspirational videos and to track our progress through this process. Maybe Genius Hour is just what you've been looking for too!